15 More Google Maps Settings Everyone Should Use

Google Maps has become much more than just a navigation app: you can use it to find the best restaurants, gas stations, tourist attractions, and much more. But Google Maps has many useful features that are not enabled by default, so we’ve compiled our favorites for you here. Next time you open the app, adjust these settings to optimize your Google Maps experience.

15 of the Best Google Maps Settings to Use

Always keep the map facing north

Google Maps tends to orient the map in the direction you are looking. For example, if you are facing south, you will see south at the top of the screen in Google Maps. This works for some people, but it can leave many others very confused. If you are someone who likes to always keep north at the top of the screen, you can go to Google Maps Settings > Navigationand activate Keep the map facing north.

Check your browser settings

Too many people get stuck or delayed because a crucial navigation setting changes. For example, you may have told Google Maps to avoid toll roads during a trip and forgotten that information. The next time you travel, Google Maps will remember that setting and may take you on longer or less safe routes (depending on where you are).

Before you start your journey, press the profile icon in Google Maps and navigate to Settings > Navigation. Below Route optionsMake sure the correct options are selected. In most cases, you definitely don’t want to avoid highways or tolls, so it’s best to check these settings periodically.

Make accessibility options more visible

Many people need accessibility information to be front and center in Google Maps. After all, inadequate accessibility features can make a location inaccessible to some people. While Google Maps is pretty good at displaying accessibility information in general, there’s a small tweak you can make to make it prominent in every list you view on the app. You can find it by going to Settings > Accessibility and allowing Accessible places.

Private browsing mode

By default, Google Maps continues to record your searches and location data unless you tell it not to. Using incognito mode is a quick way to stop some of the tracking in Google Maps. Tap the profile icon and select Enable private browsing mode.

Pause location history

If you prefer not to allow Google Maps to keep track of your location history, tap the icon profile icon and then hit Your data in Maps. Below Location Historyfaucet OnThis will take you to your Google Account Activity Controls page.

Toggle the blue switch next to Location History and select Break to prevent Google from saving your locations on Google Maps. You can also tap Manage activity to view all previously saved locations and delete them. You can also keep location history enabled and tap Automatic deletion to force Google to delete this data once it has reached three months.

Get rid of unwanted notifications

No one likes getting unnecessary alerts on their phone all the time. Google Maps lets you customize the types of alerts you get, which is great for keeping the notifications you need and eliminating spam. You can do this by going to Settings > Notifications in Google Maps.

Download maps for offline use

While most of us live in places with decent internet connectivity, our travels can take us to remote locations with less robust infrastructure. If you’re planning such a trip, be sure to download maps for offline use. They won’t have the accurate, up-to-date traffic data you’re used to, but they’re still better than getting lost in a place with no cell reception.

To download maps, tap the profile icon in Google Maps, then select Offline Maps. Then press Define your own map and you will see an enlarged map of where you are. All you have to do is move the blue rectangle over the area you intend to visit and then press Download. Before downloading, Google Maps will show you how much space the downloaded maps take up on your smartphone. You can use the maps offline for up to 30 days from the date of download.

Drawing routes with multiple stops

Since you’re planning trips using Google Maps, you should try to simulate the journey by adding planned stops to the itinerary. Typically, Google Maps will show you the fastest possible route between two locations, but if you’re planning to visit a few other places along the way, adding that to the itinerary will help you get a more realistic estimated arrival time.

You can open Google Maps and plot a route first. Once you have done that, tap on the three-dot icon at the top right and select Add a stopThis will allow you to add another location, and you can drag the three horizontal lines icon next to each stop to move it before or after the destination.

Sand a reminder to leave

Google Maps can also send you a notification at what time you need to leave to reach your destination on time. Enter the departure location and destination location in Google Maps, then tap the icon three dots icon top right and select Set a reminder to leave. You can select when you want to exit the Departure at tab and press Finished. Maps will then send you a notification at the time you choose.

Alternatively, you can go to the Arrive before Tap the tab and select the time you want to reach your destination. Google Maps will determine the appropriate departure time for you to reach your destination on time and send you a reminder accordingly.

Change vehicle icon

While you’re on one of these awesome road trips, you can quickly add a little fun element to Google Maps. The default vehicle icon is a blue arrow, and if you tap on that arrow, you’ll see other vehicle icons as well. Pick the one you like and you’re good to go.

Tell Google Maps which electrical outlets you use

Electric vehicle owners have to manage multiple charging outlets, and finding the right types of chargers for your car can sometimes be tricky. You can solve this problem by telling Google Maps what types of charging outlets your electric vehicle uses. When you search for chargers, the app will highlight those that use the outlets that are compatible with your vehicle. To enable this feature in Google Maps, go to Settings > Electric vehicle settings > Add outlets.

Customize public transportation options

When you enter a destination on Google Maps, you will also see a small train icon below it. By tapping on it, you can check the public transport timetable and the available routes for your journey. This is quite accurate in many places, but the secret here is the customization of this route option. You will see them if you tap on the icon Options button that appears when you select public transport.

Here you can select extremely useful options such as Wheelchair accessible And Lowest costoutside of preferred modes of public transport.

Disable autoplay of videos

Google Maps sometimes shows you video previews for certain locations. These start automatically and if you want to turn this feature off, you can go to Settings > Video Settingsand disable Allow autoplay.

Share your location in real time

Google Maps also lets you share your location with other people in real-time. This may sound a little creepy, but it can be a useful security feature. If you feel unsafe, you can allow close friends or family members to monitor your location for a certain amount of time. This feature is also useful when you’re visiting a friend’s house and they want to see how far away you are.

To use this feature, press the profile icon in Google Maps and tap Location sharing. When you want to start sharing, tap Shared location then press For 1 hour to customize the duration for which you want to share your location. Finally, you can select one of your contacts from the list or tap More options to send a link containing your real-time location using other apps.

Learn more about local businesses

If you’re not sure if a local business has the amenities you need, you can search for the business in Google Maps, swipe right under the business name, and then tap the About tongue.

This list contains a lot of useful information, such as whether the grounds are wheelchair accessible, whether the restrooms are gender-neutral, or whether the business is minority-owned.

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