1Password now generates QR codes to share Wi-Fi passwords


Whenever a guest arrives, one of the first things you probably do is share your Wi-Fi password with them. Sharing Wi-Fi Passwords has improved a lot recently, but there is still room for improvement. 1Password1Password, which is among the best password manager apps, has added a new feature that makes it even easier to share Wi-Fi passwords with others. 1Password now automatically generates a QR code for saved Wi-Fi networks and lets you easily share them even if you’ve never connected to that network. This sets it apart from other Wi-Fi password sharing methods, which require the network to be saved on your device.

How to Use 1Password QR Codes to Share Wi-Fi Passwords

1Password has updated its various apps to support sharing Wi-Fi passwords via QR code on all supported devices. To use this feature, first update 1Password to the latest version. Then, open the app and navigate to one of your saved Wi-Fi passwords. There should be a QR code that will help your friends connect.

Note that you can also get a QR code when creating a new entry. Just make sure to choose Wireless router after selecting the New article button.

Don’t worry if you don’t see a QR code right away: you’ll need to completely fill out the Network Name and Network Password entries before you see anything.

Once your Wi-Fi network is successfully saved, 1Password will automatically display a QR code under Wi-Fi credentials. Scan this QR code from any device and you will see a prompt to join that Wi-Fi network. For convenience, you can also take a screenshot and print this QR code to avoid having to open your phone. Just be aware that the QR code changes if you update the network name or password.

If you have multiple Wi-Fi passwords saved under the same entry, such as the primary and guest networks, 1Password will automatically select the one you chose as the “primary network” for the QR code. For best results, I recommend saving each network as its own separate entry.

How to Hide Wi-Fi QR Codes in 1Password

Credits: Pranay Parab

1Password’s default setting is to show Wi-Fi QR codes, but you can change that if you want more privacy. Most people won’t need to do this, since 1Password is already locked behind a master password or biometric authentication. But some people would prefer not to have QR codes visible by default anyway. I’m one of those people, because my job is to write about useful features in your favorite apps, and hiding QR codes that display my personal data is essential for taking screenshots.

Whatever your reason, you can hide Wi-Fi QR codes in 1Password by going to 1Password Settings > Security and disable Always show Wi-Fi QR codes.

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