Apple today released the fifth installment in its “Apple at Work” film series, “The Underdogs: OOO (Out Of Office),” directed by Australian filmmaker Mark Molloy, represented by EXIT in Australia and New Zealand.
This final chapter follows the beloved and courageous team as they embark on their first overseas business trip, racing against the clock to meet an ambitious product launch deadline.
Set in bustling Thailand, the film humorously depicts the challenges of the modern workplace, showing how the seamless integration of Mac, iPhone, iPad and, for the first time, Vision Pro, enables the team to overcome any obstacle. From sourcing a new packaging plant to implementing last-minute design changes, creating 3D prototypes and bridging language gaps, the power of Apple’s ecosystem is on full display.
In the film, Apple products become characters in their own right, highlighting the evolution of workflow in the digital age.
The story highlights how Mac, iPhone and iPad enhance productivity and innovation. Apple Vision Pro shines as a collaboration powerhouse, enabling next-generation workflows via an infinite canvas as well as Mac Virtual Display, FaceTime, drag and drop and Messages – all managed effortlessly with intuitive eye and hand gestures. In addition to the apps and devices loved throughout the film, and features such as Translate, NameDrop, SharePlay, Object Capture, Markup and AirDrop, the film positions Apple as the ultimate platform for business, in the office and on the go. The film also captures the features.
The Underdogs: OOO will appear across social media, paid digital outlets and
Mark Molloy will be back for commercials in August. For enquiries, contact Exit Executive Producer Leah Churchill-Brown.
Agency: Apple
Music: Hauschka/Volker Bertelmann
Production Company: Smuggler LA
Director: Mark Molloy
Publishing company: Work Edit LA
Finishing: Glassworks VFX Amsterdam
Sound Company: 750 mph