Most planets in Star Wars Outlaws take 5 minutes to traverse


Star Wars Outlaws is almost here and many players are probably eager to jump into this open world Star Wars A game featuring five major planets. And according to Ubisoft, it will take about five minutes to cross three of these worlds on a speeder bike.

Announced in June 2023, Star Wars Outlaws is Ubisoft’s upcoming open-world game set in that famous galaxy far, far away. You play as Kay Vess, a scoundrel and thief, in a new canonical story set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back And Return of the Jedi. We have known for some time now that Outlaw would be a big game, although (thankfully) not as big as some of Ubisoft’s overstuffed games Assassin’s Creed titles. And a new interview with OutlawCreative director Julian Gerighty also explained that the game’s planets will be large, but manageable.

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In an interview with IGNGerighty explained that Ubisoft’s goal with Outlaw It was “less about how big” to make the game, but more about “how long in terms of the journey” it would take to complete it. Explore the planets by hovercraft.

“[Toshara takes] “Four or five minutes of uninterrupted time, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but once you commit to it, it’s a pretty significant amount of time and you’re always going to be distracted,” Gerighty said.Assassin’s Creed Odysseywhich was one of the games we were looking at when we were creating this one, you have different areas on the map…[Toshara is] two or three of these put together.

You won’t need a hyperdrive to explore these planets

Tatooine, Toshara, Akiva, Kijimi and Cantonica: the five planets confirmed in Star Wars Outlaws—are not all the same height. According to Ubisoft, Toshara and Akiva are similar in height with Tatooine being “a little bigger.” So this seems to imply that these three planets will each take about five minutes to traverse in a speeder. As for the other planets, they seem more urban and perhaps denser, which isn’t ideal for a speeder.

Lucasfilm / Ubisoft

Planets in Outlaw having approximately the same size as two or three zones of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey East something we’ve heard from Ubisoft before. This also likely means that some of these worlds will be larger than the older ones. Assassin’s Creed games, like Union or Unit. It’s nice to hear that traveling around these planets was a main goal for the team and that it won’t take too long thanks to your fast hoverbike. And players won’t end up fast traveling everywhere all the time because it takes too long to reach places, a problem in many open-world games.

Previously, Ubisoft had suggested that Star Wars Outlaws it won’t take 100 hours to completelike some of Ubisoft’s previously released open-world games, and many players will likely reach the end after around 30 hours.

“We don’t want things to be big for the sake of it,” Gerighty says. “We want it to be contained, always fun, and always have different activities. So the journey of the whole thing had to feel like a journey, like an engagement when you get on your speeder and you want it to go from one end to the other.”

Star Wars Outlaws will launch on August 30 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

Pre-order Star Wars Outlaws: Amazon | Ubisoft | Best buy


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