Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Players Develop Strategy for One-Hit Dondozo Tera Raids

Strong points

  • Players have devised a one-hit strategy to defeat Pokémon Scarlet and Purple’s Seven-Star Tera raid boss, Dondozo the Unrivaled.

  • Using the legendary creature Miraidon, players weaken Dondozo’s defenses and deliver a decisive blow in five turns.

  • Electric Pokémon like Miraidon are a powerful counter to Dondozo. Players adjust the effort values ​​of special attacks and hold a Life Orb for more power.

Shortly after the arrival of the last Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Seven-star Tera raid boss, Dondozo the Unrivaled, some players have developed a simple strategy to defeat the aquatic boss in one hit. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Players have chosen the legendary creature Miraidon as the focal point of their plans, and some have provided video demonstrations of how they used it to complete the fight.

Known as the Big Catfish Pokémon, Dondozo is a Water Pokémon that first appeared in Pokémon Scarlet and VioletDespite its massive size and gaping maw, Dondozo is described as a mindless Pokémon that relies on its partnership with Tatsugiri to catch its prey. This is reflected in Dondozo’s signature move, Order Up, a Dragon-type attack that increases the user’s stats in double battles when a Tatsugiri fights alongside it. However, Dondozo the Unrivaled instead uses the moves Wave Crash, Earthquake, Order Up, Avalanche, Curse, and Yawn. Unlike other seven-star Tera raid bosses, Pokémon Scarlet and VioletDondozo uses one of his standard abilities, Unconscious, instead of his hidden ability, Water Veil.


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Since Dondozo the Unmatched remains a Water Pokémon even when it is Terastallized, some Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Players have developed a strategy to expose its weaknesses. On the r/PokemonScarletViolet subreddit, some players have posted videos of their victories over Dondozo using the Legendary Paradox Pokémon called Miraidon. Although Miraidon graces the cover of Pokemon PurpleThis didn’t stop the dual-type Electric and Dragon monster from wreaking havoc in the Pokemon competition. In a video that lasted five rounds, a Pokémon Scarlet and Violet The player named Flameduck took five turns before landing a decisive blow against Dondozo the Unmatched. In the first four turns, Miraidon used Metal Sound twice and Charge once to weaken Dondozo’s defenses and strengthen his power.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Players Share Strategies for Dondozo One-Shot

Flameduck then used an Attack Cheer to power up Miraidon before using Electro Drift to finish the job, as powerful Electric Pokémon are a direct counter to Water-types like Dondozo. In a similar strategy, another user named PlayerGen87 skipped an Attack Cheer and instead used both Metal and Charge as part of his preparations. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Players have reported increasing Miraidon’s Special Attack Effort (EV) values ​​to maximum and having him hold a Life Orb to further increase his attack power.

Miraidon’s strategy will only work if used before Dondozo the Unmatched puts up his shield, so Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Players must act quickly. With Dondozo and Pikachu quickly falling to veteran status Pokemon players, only time will tell what strategies will follow in future raids.

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