Producers of the popular American television show, A taste of historypartnered with MLA to film two episodes showcasing Australian beef and lamb. MLA connected the showrunners with two farming families – the Hallidays and the Leemings – as well as our own chef, Sam Burke, to show American audiences just what Australian red meat has to offer.
Episode stars Erica Halliday and Tim Leeming are passionate advocates for Australian red meat production and passionate about telling our story. This passion shines through in episodes that delve into Australia’s culture and food scene, as well as highlighting the country’s leading sustainable livestock practices. Beyond the farm, chef Sam Burke welcomed the team into his own backyard to film an Australian beef and lamb barbecue.
The “Grilling Down Under” episode, The episode, which featured Erica Halliday and the team from Ben Nevis in New South Wales, won a gold Telly Award. Not only did the episode showcase Australian red meat, it also demonstrated some of the regenerative techniques Australian producers are using to create a more sustainable future.
You can watch the award-winning episode below, as well as the episode featuring Tim Leeming.