Landgate Internships Inspire the Next Generation


UWA student Banjan Lanzona with Sharon Dignard from Landgate.

Landgate’s Strategy and Innovation department recently welcomed two students from the University of Western Australia (UWA) for short-term internships.

Banjan Lanzona and Arthur Lian’s internships were organized by UWA’s McCusker Centre for Citizenship. Interns work an agreed number of days per week to complete the required 100 hours while continuing their university studies.

During their internships, Lanzona and Lian worked on projects aimed at exploring emerging technology trends to consider during Landgate’s strategic planning session.

Lanzona studied the topics of the metaverse and Web 3.0 while Lian looked at automation and AI. Each had the opportunity to summarize their findings in a report presented to senior executives.

Speaking about the value of the internships, Landgate’s Director of People, Culture and Environment, Agnes Elstone, said: “Not only is this an opportunity for those joining us to learn more about working in a state government agency, it’s also great for Landgate as these new employees bring new perspectives and ideas to our business.”

Lanzona, who is studying a Masters in Business Analytics at UWA, applied for the internship to improve her employability and gain connections and experience in a professional environment.

“As an aspiring business consultant, an internship is a huge competitive advantage, and I also wanted to understand how businesses operate in Australia and how it is different from how I previously worked in the Philippines,” he said.

“However, the most rewarding part of the internship was being part of a community that is striving towards a goal and being able to work on something that could potentially help the whole of Western Australia in the future.”

Sharon Dignard, Landgate’s senior director of strategy, innovation and improvement, was Ban’s internship supervisor.

“Internships are an important way for students and graduates to get exposure to work environments and understand the diversity of roles they may not have considered, such as working in the public sector,” Dignard said.

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